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So we know the guy is loaded, but who figured YouTube cofounder Steve Chen had groupies? Oh, he does. And they're in Hong Kong. A Valleywag tipster spotted Chen at the "posh" Four Seasons hotel. And by spotted, I mean she followed him to the hotel pool and then later took a picture of him while he ran on a treadmill. It gets creepier. "He has really great calves," our source reports. Details on Chen's entourage after the jump.

Our tipster also noted she was very disappointed to find Chen was staying at the Four Seasons with Alanis Morissette. Or at least a woman our tipster thought was Morissette until a "very large man" in Chen's party told her otherwise. Ironic?

What, are we turning into Gawker Stalker, that celebrity-following feature of our "bilious" sister site, Gawker? Nah. Keep in mind we're talking about Steve Chen here. Yes, he's rich, but he's a serious geek, with unfortunate hair, and other than the calves, not so attractive. Not that we're above printing more such nerdspotting tips. Send them in, against your better judgment, and ours.