The Gray Lady, now free, likes to get around

Looks like the New York Times's decision to kill off TimesSelect, its inexplicable subscription offering, is already paying off. A month after freeing its op-ed content and archives, the Opinion section reportedly doubled its readers since September 15, while as a whole grew 10 percent. The Gray Lady couldn't have done better pulling a Marilyn Monroe over a subway grate. Details and a pretty graph after the jump.

560,057 unique visitors came to the Op-Ed section in the last week versus 245,942 for the week ending September. The overall site went from 3.4 million to 3.8 million.
In its media kit, the Times says it charges advertisers $28 for a thousand impressions of a leaderboard ad, $39 for a 336x280 ad and $50 bucks for a half page.
Even after figuring in discounts and unsold inventory, those those extra 200,000+ impressions a week go a long way toward buying the Sulzbergers a nice Thanksgiving turkey.