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At last, I understand the vision of synergy between News Corp. and Dow Jones. It's all about Kara Swisher, basically. The abrasive, pint-sized reporter-turned blogger spent dinner at Web 2.0 Summit locked in conversation with gregarious, pint-sized megamogul Rupert Murdoch, News Corp.'s CEO, and, come December, Swisher's boss. Swisher, of course, has been blogging hot and heavy on AllThingsD about Facebook, MySpace's chief rival. She's just the starting point. News Corp. is so vast that next year, it could easily assign an army of Wall Street Journal reporters just to cover itself. Check out the photos for Swisher's encounter with Murdoch, and more.

Highlights of the first day of the conference: Having executives from Six Apart actually speak to me in civil tones; catching up with Loic Le Meur; oh, and getting my ear chewed off by former PodTech CEO John Furrier. See them all in the photo gallery.

(Photos by Randal Alan Smith for Valleywag)