Revolution Comes To 'Kid Nation'
Perhaps realizing that airing the footage of Kid Nation's controversial field-trip reward we previewed yesterday might again open up the show to the child-endangerment accusations it has largely left behind since its premiere, the network ultimately decided to edit all Michael Jackson-related moments from last night's episode, even though the "unexpected loss of innocence at the bleached hands of a ghoulish former pop-star" clause in the production's exhaustive waiver technically indemnified them from any legal claims stemming from the children's Neverland Ranch sleepover.
Instead, we were treated to CBS Bonanza City's first Town Council elections, during which the Reign of Taylor, the incompetent period of governance that led to the diminishment of the Yellow District's reputation within the Nation, was finally brought to a close. Mercifully, new Fearless Yellow Leader Zach convinced the rest of the reconstituted Council to forgo the planned execution of the ousted Taylor, instead sentencing the haughty pageant queen to a week of scrubbing pots caked with the baked-in residue of their poorly prepared mac-and-cheese rations.
- Kid Nation []
- Previously: The 'Kid Nation' Faces Its Most Difficult Challenge To Date [Defamer]