Torre To Steinbrenner: Bite Me!

Attaway, Joe. Yankees manager Joe Torre dropped into Tampa for an hour today to turn down the team's offer of a $5 million one-year extension to his contract. During this year's playoffs, the best boss in town among those bosses who aren't actually, shall we say, "present," George Steinbrenner, publicly held Torre's job over his head, threatening to fire him if he didn't turn in another series win.
After twelve seasons, twelve postseasons and four World Series titles, it must have felt pretty good to tell the Steinbrenners to go fuck themselves.
"We respect his decision," Yankees president Randy Levine said. "We appreciate everything he's done. But it is now time for the New York Yankees to move forward, and we will be doing it very quickly." Classy!
After this month, Torre might want to reconsider that zany idea of running for mayor. Denying George that extra parking he's been after for years would just be so fun.