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Yahoo marketing head Cammie Dunaway, last seen reporting to Sue Decker, has left the also-ran search engine for a new gig. (Kara Swisher at AllThingsD broke the news this morning.) Although Dunaway "can't share specifics" about her new position until next week, she states that it is "a natural fit for someone who loves driving profitable revenue for big, well-loved consumer brands and can't pass up the opportunity to be the coolest Mom in the universe." I guess that means Yahoo is not a big, well-loved consumer brand, and Dunaway's old job not one that made her cool in her kids' eyes. Have more details on where Dunaway is headed? Please let us know. Dunaway's exit email is reprinted after the jump.

With a mix of emotions I am writing to let you know that I will be leaving Yahoo! at the end of the month to pursue a new career opportunity. I am certainly feeling tremendous sadness at leaving the leadership of the brand I love so dearly and the day to day interactions with such a talented team. I am feeling pride over the many accomplishments that we have achieved here at Yahoo! over the past 4 1/2 years. I am feeling excitement about this next chapter in my career. And I am feeling great anticipation to watch the exciting future that I believe lies ahead for Yahoo!

When I reflect over the past 4 1/2 years there is so much to feel good about:

  • We have built a direct marketing team from scratch that is great in areas ranging from optimizing network media and email to developing channels like SEM and Affiliates to customer experiences in landing pages and within the products themselves. In fact we are so good that we were recognized as the 2006 Marketer of the Year by the Direct Marketing Association.
  • We have championed the Yahoo! brand with consumers and advertisers; substituting big ideas for the big budgets of many of our competitors. From the Julie Real People Billboard campaign, to the Big Idea chair and marketer testimonial campaign, to Ask the Planet and the Big Brain in Time Square to having our Scruffy ad voted the 3rd funniest TV spot in the world last year; our marketing has consistently won creative awards and driven the numbers.
  • We have brought a tremendous amount of discipline to our marketing metrics while also championing risk and experimentation. Our work was recently recognized in McKinnsey Quarterly as being exemplary for its accountability.
  • We recently launched Customer Satisfaction metrics that can help teams truly diagnose and deliver great experiences to our consumers.
  • We championed Project Goldmine, helping Yahoo! move forward with customer centricity by better understanding who our most valuable users and advertisers are and how we can better focus efforts to meet their needs.
  • We expanded the group to include edit/policy/UED, enabling us to think about end to end consumer experiences and enabling me to get to know more amazingly talented Yahoos.
  • Most importantly we have built a world class team bringing in senior leaders with tremendous functional excellence and Yahoo! heart. as well as young leaders who will be the future CMOs, GMs and functional gurus of the industry. The team in place is my most important accomplishment and hopefully will be my most lasting legacy.

It was my reflection on the strength of our team that made it possible for me to accept the new opportunity. While I can't share the specifics until mid next week, suffice it to say that it is a natural fit for
someone who loves driving profitable revenue for big, well loved consumer brands and can't pass up the opportunity to be the coolest Mom in the universe.

I have been honored to closely participate with Jerry and Sue this summer as they crafted plans for making internet history again. I have so much confidence in their leadership and in the amazing assets and talent here at Yahoo! The future is definitely bright and I will be both a proud former Yahoo! and a future advertiser who will always bleed (and wear) purple!

I hope to see many of you in person over the next few weeks. I will be staying in the area so I plan to maintain the close relationships that have made these past years so special for me. That will be even easier as I am also blessed to have my amazing assistant Carol Rogers going with me. Carol has made my life and that of everyone she has worked with at Yahoo! more pleasant. I know she will be tremendously missed, but boy do I feel lucky!

At my first All Hands I said that our team should focus on growing profitable revenue by unlocking consumer/customer insights and providing:

  • Products that Delight
  • Communications that Inspire
  • Results that Deliver

I hope you will all continue that vision!

Warmly yours,
