Did You Go To Emily and Michelle's Totally Awesome Astoria Potluck?

Last week we met Emily and Michelle, two young ladies living in Astoria who posted on Craigslist that they couldn't figure out why their roommates kept on dropping like flies. Was it the condoms on the dining room table, or that a potential roomie was advised not to "pretend to be cool when we look through all the papers in your room and know you're on probation and use a weird contraceptive gel"? We think it's because everyone is afraid of how they are completely awesome. And on Saturday, Emily and Michelle hosted a potluck for a few of the more than 4,000 responses they say that they got. The invitation follows. If you attended, we would like to hear from you. Special bonus! Emily and Michelle themselves will be providing blow by blow later!
Due to overwhelming response we have come to the conclusion that a potluck is necessary.
please bring a vegetarian or nonvegetarian dish to
XX-XX XXth ave #1
this sat. at 7pm.um.
its about a mile from the train, get used to it. its a douzie in the winter.
during said potluckathon you will meet:
1. the bedrooms
2. the other rooms
3. me
4. michelle
5. zach and bekah of the grand daddy
6. maybe james from the charmer if he comes home
7. maybe our landlord, douglas. he's asian, don't be alarmed.we will have question and answer period, and perhaps a dress up contest.
if you got this email, it means during our email discussion on gmail chat we decided you were at least ok. if you sent two emails to trick us and only one of them got this return email, then haha.
ok, let me know if you have any questions. please don't email me back if you're coming, or email me with anything that will annoy me because im sick of reading these things. only if its important.
peace love and potluck,
emilyps. if someone brings nametags, that'd be great.