Jeff Bezos wants me to be a happy customer

Last week I bitched wrote about a delayed order for the new Fake Steve Jobs book, Options, from An email from the online store told me that the book, out today at a Borders near you, had been rescheduled for a December shipment. I emailed CEO Jeff Bezos with my sob story and got a very apologetic email from Executive Customer Relations. I now know that my "experience with this order has been unordinary and not truly representative of the quality of service we offer." Well, that's a relief. Maybe I'll get free overnight shipping. Until then, I'll have to be happy with excerpts. The full email after the jump.
Subject: Your Email to Jeff Bezos; Re: Your Order for "Options"
Date: October 23, 2007 3:55:34 PM EDT
To: jordan@valleywag.comDear Mr. Golson,
My name is Jennifer Hanner of's Executive Customer Relations. Jeff Bezos received your e-mail earlier this week and asked that I respond on his behalf.
Your order has now entered the shipping process and as soon as it has shipped, you will be sent an email confirming the date, contents and method of shipment. I apologize for the delay and inconvenience with your order. The delay and miscommunication was caused by a small problem which has been resolved.
Again, please accept our apologies and know that your experience with this order has been unordinary and not truly representative of the quality of service we offer.
If you have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact me directly at *****
Thank you for shopping at
Jennifer L. Hanner
Executive Customer Relations