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AOL founder Steve Case's Revolution Health will lay off 60 employees in the next 24 hours, according to an internal memo. The bloodletting comes a day earlier than Valleywag reported yesterday. Lowlights from the bloody memo after the jump.

Revolution Health president Tim Davenport butters them up ...

As a newcomer, I've been impressed by the progress that you all have made. From the launch in April to now, the growth has been terrific. With the partnership, Revolution Health Networks will aggregate over 9 million unique visitors in October, and more than 100 million page views - the latter will make us the third most viewed health information network on the web, behind only WebMD and Weight Watchers.

... and then delivers the blow ...

After studying all of this, I've decided that we need to do some restructuring at Revolution Health Networks, to position us for our next phase of expansion. As you might expect, these changes involve some people switching jobs, and others leaving the company. When all the shifting and changes are done, I expect that RHN - which has about 240 employees now - will have about 180 by January 1st

...and then tells laid-off workers where their salaries are going....

despite these changes at RHN, the overall number of employees in the Revolution Health Group companies (Revolution Health Networks, CarePages, Extend Health and RediClinic) will continue to grow this year: Revolution Health Group (and its affiliates) began the year with about 500 employees, and will end with about 700 employees, a sizable increase.

... then slaps the remaining employees on the ass and tells them to get in the game ...

For those remaining at the company, we will then have an all-hands meeting after these individual and departmental discussions have been completed. There is much to be proud of at Revolution Health, and the overall growth of the company is impressive.

(Photo by mre770)