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At midnight, Conde Nast Portfolio editor Joanne Lipman sent out an email about the editor of their website leaving. Her message? Don't believe the things media reporters write! Isn't it cute when journalists go management and turn on the press?


You may have heard that Chris Jones,'s ME, has decided to pursue other opportunities. We'll miss him. But we're delighted that he'll be staying until the end of November to help us with the transition and to help find his successor. Chris has done a great job building and launching the site, which is exactly what he came here to do. He's brought together a first-rate team. has already shot past some established online financial sites like and, and is continuing to grow steadily. I'm also pleased that Chris's top news editor, Mark Stein, a veteran New York Times editor, will become deputy editor of the site, working closely with Chris and me. Laura Rich, the site's AME will also play a bigger role.

You'll probably read some nonsense about the transition, but don't be fooled—our whole team is excited about going forward.

