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With Oprah Approved™ presidential hopeful Barack Obama trailing to Hillary Clinton, it would seem the voiced support of Angelina Jolie's do-gooding wingman—rounding out a megastar hat-trick that already includes George Clooney and Matt Damon—would be precisely what the candidate needs to get ahead in the polls. However, fearing heartland voters might be turned off by the endorsement of someone perceived as an overly privileged and left-leaning actor who's "all shacked-up with that vampire lady and her 14 colored kids," Obama's campaign has kindly declined Brad Pitt's generous offer:

When the socially conscious star offered to help the Democratic contender's presidential campaign, he was turned down, our sources report.

Obama's advisers felt Pitt was "a great guy," said a knowledgeable source, but they didn't want their candidate - who already has the endorsements of Pitt pals George Clooney and Matt Damon - to appear to be "too Hollywood."

What's more, as politically correct as Pitt's partner, Angelina Jolie, is now, the source ruminated that it might be hard for some Americans to forget that she used to wear a vial of blood around her neck.

Sadly, without Pitt on board, Clooney's inspired idea for an Oceans-themed TV campaign—in which the three actors pause from a high-stakes heist of the fictional Bush's Palace casino to ask, "Well, America—are you in or are you out?," at which point getaway driver Don Cheadle screeches up in a bulletproof Humvee to soberly announce, "This message approved by Obama '08,"—will never see the light of day.