Get Your Own Copy Of The WGA Flyer Everyone's Been Talking About

Did you somehow arrive to work too late this morning to be handed your very own copy of the WGA Negotiations Update literature being handed out by the union's friendly, red-shirted flyer-distribution team at the entrances to every studio lot in town, or just generally feel left out of all the pre-contract-expiration fun?
Thanks to a generous tipster who took the time to send one in, we can now pass along the flyer to our readers. So take a minute, right now, to print it out and tape it to the door of your favorite studio or network executive; when he or she returns from a lunch that far exceeds your daily earnings, you'll share a much-needed laugh over your clever little prank, hopefully gaining at least a momentary break from the oppressive gloom that won't lift until the Guild and the AMPTP announce a deal that temporarily blunts the pain of being trapped in loveless, inescapable marriage.