Serge Becker and Simon Hammerstein's Chrystie Street nightclub The Box has seen its cachet folding in on itself. Just last week, the New York Times even called it over. But hold on! Turns out it is the spot for horrible and scary rapists. Or maybe just one really horrible one.

Says the New York Post:

[The first attack occurred on] Sept. 30 at 3 a.m., [when the rapist abducted] a 25-year-old drunken patron standing in front of the ultra-hip venue at 189 Chrystie St. on the Lower East Side, police said. Grabbing his victim from behind, the creep forced the woman into his vehicle and made her drink an unknown liquid, cops said. She later described the car to cops as a white SUV, but bystanders said it was black. The fiend drove his victim over a bridge, possibly the Williamsburg, and raped and sodomized her in the vehicle. He then forced her to withdraw $500 from a bank ATM on Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills, Queens, and dumped her on the street.

The second attack was last Friday, also at 3 a.m. The rapist posed as a car service driver in a black sedan.

Fiend Rapes 2 Club Gals [NYP]