Adrian Grenier's Mystery Package Confounds Celebrity Shlong Scrutinizers

Regardless of what your Halloween plans might entail, chances are pretty good that you'll eventually come face to face with the compressed, Lycra-silhouetted junk of at least one dude dressed as a superhero. Pretty on the Outside decided to grade some of the shrink-wrapped celebrity shlong on display this haunting season, giving head-of-the-class marks to Brody "The Hills" Jenner's shapely, right-bending manhood.
The jury appears to be out on Adrian Grenier's basket, however, as the elephantine mound on display suggests the star of Aquaman and Medellin either stuffed himself with one of Drama's gym socks, or opted to tie his firehose into a sailing knot before leaving the house for his All Hallow's Eve revelries.