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Though it pains us to admit it, we fear our once-torrid relationship with HBO fuckumentary Tell Me You Love Me has gotten a little stale; where we once eagerly tuned in to freeze-frame each possible stunt-cock scene for evidence of the Truth or to uncover acts of penetration that were supposed to be obscured by a cinematographer's carefully cast shadows, there's no longer any joy in our Zapruderesque examination of the sex-riddles we're offered each week. Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that following last Sunday's episode, we couldn't even be bothered to wonder whether Ian Somerhalder's actual scrotum made a cameo, or if a contractual no-balls rider necessitated the use of a nuts-double. Maybe we'll bring it up with our surprisingly foxy, sexagenarian therapist in this week's session. Anyway, there's footage of the scene at the link following this item, for those whose workplaces allow the viewing of graphic depictions of attractive people screwing. [Fleshbot]