Marina boys, pretty pictures and Steves real and fake in Menlo Park. All in tonight's Valleywag Calendar.

  • The REAL Fake Steve Jobs Leander Kahney John PaczkowskiOwen Thomas Andy Ihnatko, er, Dan Lyons, comes to town. Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak will introduce him before Lyons reads from his new novel, Options, at Keplers in Menlo Park tonight at 7:30 p.m. [Keplers]
  • There's a private wine tasting event for business school alumni at Circa in the Marina. My, that sounds like a bitchin' time, doesn't it? If you can stomach the button-downs and business cards, it starts at 6:30 p.m.
  • Photographer Geoff Ellis, husband of BusinessWeek columnist (and certified Valley fox) Sarah Lacy, collects the James D. Phelan Art Award in Photography tonight at SF Cameraworks at 5 p.m. [Facebook]
  • Wait, it's November? Really?

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