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God, it's a dull Monday. The most interesting events in the tech world are happening in Berlin or Denver. For anyone who's still in town, here's the best we can offer on the Valleywag Calendar.

  • There's some developer camp at Adobe. Flash! Air! Leah Culver might even show! [Adobe]
  • Go for a walk with egoblogger Robert Scoble and Zooomr evangelist Thomas Hawk as they take pictures and yammer on and on and on and on and oh my god, I can't believe we're recommending this to you. Never mind. Take a camera and photowalk your way to your closest bar and take a shot of tequila to make you forget about this travesty. [Upcoming]
  • Set your TiVos! YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen will be on megatalkshow Oprah tomorrow. But, if you miss it, we wager you'll be able to catch clips online. [Oprah]

Got a to-do that's a must-do? Send it to Check out more events on our Google Calendar: