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Last we heard about Radiohead's experiment to let people pay what they want for its latest album, "In Rainbows," we were ready to bury record labels. We heard the average price paid for "In Rainbows" fell between $5 and $8 and that a low estimate of Radiohead's take in two days was $6 million. But now ComScore's come out with official numbers, and, um, whoops.

Turns out the average price paid — other than zero — was actually around $8, $8.05 to be exact. But though 1.2 million people visited the "In Rainbows" site during the first 29 days of October, only 38 percent of those who downloaded the album volunteered to pay for it.

Here, you'll see that 62 percent of the world's downloaders freeloaded, too. Most of the rest only paid $4.

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The only good news from an American's perspective? We're slightly less cheap than the rest of the world. So enough of all that whining about an American hegemony, OK?

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