Picketers, Picketed Not Getting Along At Fox Parking Lot

Though we've heard no early reports from today's picket lines as troubling as yesterday's attempted vehicular writercide, a tipster from the Fox lot—one whose use of the term "red-shirt" and skepticism about whether or not he was watching someone take a dive indicates he might be a little annoyed by WGA-instigated traffic jams—notes that things are already getting uncomfortable between picketers and the picketed over in Century City:
The Red Shirts were out in full force again this morning at the FOX Galaxy lot. With yesterday's planned vehicular tactical assault at the hands of the producers, one would think the red-shirts learned their lesson about jumping in front of cars. Apparently not.
They've been blocking the intersection of Galaxy and Avenue of the Stars and jumping in front of moving cars trying to stop them from parking. One red-shirt swung a picket sign at the windshield of a car and was confronted immediately by FOX security. The cop put his hand out to stop him from going forward, and the red-shirt went down hard. I'm not sure if it was an act or if he actually tripped, but the writer toppled over pretty easily and fell into a female red-shirt, taking her down as well. It caused a scene but they got right back up and kept yelling at people.
While we're relieved that the incident didn't end with impatient Fox employees using the fallen writers as speedbumps, it's clear that parties on both sides need to find a more peaceful way to coexist as long as this strike drags on. Otherwise, skirmishes like these will become increasingly common, with angry motorists, already annoyed at having to penetrate a shouting, sigh-brandishing phalanx of picketers as they try to report to their jobs each day, begin competing with their co-workers to see how many red-shirted dominoes they can topple with an "accidental" shove from an unexpectedly opened car door.