NYU's 'Laguna Beach': Drugs And Sluts 'Under The Arch'
If 'Gossip Girl' doesn't provide you with enough insight into the lives of privileged New York's youth, then let us direct your attention to "Under the Arch," a 7-minute-long "pilot" video by NYU junior Sean Patrick Murray, who is either a complete genius, or a total tool. Either way, he's kind of adorable&mdash and at the very least, he knows his MTV reality schtick&mdash it's all about the fast-moving-cloud shots, the angsty Z-100 soundtrack and the whiny blond chicks. Toss in a drug overdose and a catchprase like "Meet me at the Arch," and we can't see why this thing wouldn't get picked up in a millisecond&mdash he even made sure not to include any black, Hispanic or ugly students! It's perfect! Too bad it's not real. Oh&mdash never mind.