As noted femiblogger Moe Tkacik coolly observes, party gal Lydia Hearst has a diary page in Page Six Magazine in which she decries tabloid celebutards and also gives readers insight into what it means to be wealthy, young, intemperate, macabre, shallow, vapid, viscous and blithe. In the current Hearst Chronicles, we learn that Lydia and her friends have a thing called Factory 2.0. In her words, it's a "Andy Warhol-esque atmosphere in our own time."

Factory 2.0 is a place where "people can have creative outbursts." An example of such a creative outburst, according to Hearst:"we held an impromptu Halloween party (I dressed as a cavegirl) and got tattoos."

It's kind of like Damien Hirst meets Piero Manzoni meets, uh, the Geico guy? That's also like precisely what normal people call getting wasted and doing something dumb! But whatever, everyone's got their 15 minutes, right?