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Were we wrong to jump so quickly to the conclusion that Patrick Moberg, the mussy-headed dude who is searching for his 5 train Cinderella online, didn't fall deeply in love during the moments of eye contact the two shared before disembarking at Bowling Green Sunday night? "Patrick is one of the sweetest, shyest guys, and this is in no way a publicity stunt. And you know what? Maybe it's not the worst thing to believe in miracles and rainbows and love at first sight on the subway," posited the noted love expert, Star editor-at-large Julia Allison. Well, miracles and rainbows may exist, but according to today's Guardian, love at first sight sure as hell doesn't.

Says the paper: "That first lovers' gaze is the staple of the romantic novelist, and scientists believe they have now revealed the true nature of its true attractive power. According to new research, romance has very little do to with it. That 'look' is all about sex and ego."

The research actually challenges some previous findings about attractiveness—you know, those studies where people were found to have a preference for facial symmetry, or masculine versus feminine features. The study says that all that matters is whether someone displays "social cues" that indicate they're attracted to you. "It does seem to be a sort of narcissistic thing," said Ben Jones, who works at the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen:

Dr Jones said the results make sense from an evolutionary perspective. 'It takes quite a lot of effort to attract a mate and what you want to do is allocate that effort in a more efficient way, in other words in a way that is more likely to help you secure a mate.'

Like making a website! Exactly like making a website.