Forest Whitaker Sells Out To Mountain Dew To Prove Someone Is Willing To Pay For Online Content

·The future of online entertainment is now, and Forest Whitaker is stepping boldly into the brave, new world of selling out interactively: the Oscar winner is teaming with Pepsi for a web-based fantasy game called Dewmocracy, in which players will ultimately help create a new, totally extreme flavor of The Dew . [Variety]
· In belt-tightening measures meant to help them survive the strike, agencies are cutting back on overtime, travel, expenses, and baby consumption. With the vast majority of their revenue tied to TV and film, a prolonged work stoppage could mean that chop-shops like CAA would no longer be able to afford the freshest, straight-from-the-nursery infants they're accustomed to gobbling, and may have to temporarily switch to cheaper, lower-quality frozen toddlers until business returns to normal levels. [Variety]
· THR stresses the importance of winning the strike's PR battle as a work stoppage drags on. Translation: Give reporters the quotes they crave, tight-lipped picketers. [THR]
· New Line hopes—perhaps insanely!—that The Golden Compass will bring them Lord of the Rings-like success; however, the studio is hedging its bets somewhat by whoring out the movie to any brand partner who'll help them raise awareness of the armor-clad polar bears they're praying audiences will find every bit as cuddly as furry-footed Hobbits. [Variety]
· CBS must be thrilled that NCIS is reaching new heights in popularity just as it's about to run out of first-run episodes. [THR]