8 steps to getting fans on Facebook

Are you a fan of Valleywag? I am. (Do sign up. It feels a bit lonely by myself.) After Facebook launched its new ad offerings, I had three thoughts:
(1) Well, this means more spam!
(2) Scoble's going to be all over this.
(3) How do I get in on the action?
Facebook doesn't provide a do-it-yourself guide to the new offering, but it turns out anyone can sign up, easily. Valleywag now has a page on Facebook. After the jump, step-by-step instructions on how to get your own.
- 1. Go to Facebook and click on "Businesses" at the bottom of the page.
- 2. Click on "Facebook Pages."
- 3. Click on "Create a Facebook Page."
- 4. Select "Brand or Product". I picked "Communications," for lack of a better category. Fill in the name of your business, site, product, or the brand called you.
- 5. You've created a page! You can upload a picture, add basic info like your business's founding date, and detailed info like a tagline or product description.
- 6. Make sure to publish the page when you're done editing.
- 7. Important: Click "View Page," and then add yourself as a fan. Your friends will see that you're a fan, and hopefully sign up as fans, too.
- 8. Avoid the paid advertising options. Instead, post links to your Facebook page's Wall for free. Your fans will see them in their news feeds.