NYU Student Announces World-Changing Knitting Project

A grad student at NYU's Steinhardt school, working on a project called "The New York Institute for the Humanities", recently sent friends and colleagues a letter alerting them to her group's upcoming workshops. It is a letter in which she coined and employed the wrongest analogy we've heard in, like, a week (the internet equivalent of years).
My name is [redacted]. I am a graduate student at Steinhardt but I also work at NYU. My work is called The New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU. In April 2008, we're hosting a climate change event, and leading up to that we are holding a few free crochet coral reef workshops. This Crochet Coral Reef has been called "the AIDS quilt of global warming" in it's ability to connect people to the issues and have them become educated and involved. To see what I mean, look here.
Emphasis added, though we probably didn't need to. The AIDS quilt of global warming! It is the worst Harry Potty book never written, or perhaps the yet-unfilmed 8th Star Wars movie.
And yes this is basically your invitation to come up with and then post even more inappropriate descriptions of progressive political action, like "my work has been called the Holocaust museum of universal health insurance" or something.