Low blood sugar brought down Rackspace websites

After Rackspace experienced two power issues Sunday and Monday, a truck collided with a power transformer on the side of its Dallas-area data center in Grapevine, Texas. As a result, power was lost again. Two of the chillers that keep the servers cool failed to restart and a number of servers were taken offline to prevent heat damage. As far as we know, all servers are back up and functioning and Rackspace is very apologetic. Now, everyone is asking "how did this happen?" The short answer: Low blood sugar. Find out more sweet details after the jump.
MVA- a man driving a ford truck ran a stop sign and went into a parking lot hitting a power transformer. Prior to our arrival the Southlake FD was on scene. They had made contact with the PT and found that he had low blood sugar. When we arrived we cleared the seen [sic] of all personell [sic] because of the possibility that the transformers may still have power to them. The PT was still in the truck. He was conscious and talking. Once the power company arrived and informed use [sic] that the power was off. We removed the pt to a back board and then to the cot. he was treated in the Mobile Intensive Care Unit and transported to BRMCG by M561 with consent. Management informed IC that a clean up company was contacted to respond to clean the mineral oil spill from the transformer. The scene was released back to management and electric company on scene.