'Film Threat' Flips The Hollywood Icecube Tray And Sees What Falls Out

What with the bleak, suspended state of things these days, the time seems right for Film Threat's annual Frigid 50 list, celebrating 2007's "coldest people in Hollywood." Some of their choices might surprise you—particularly the top spots, occupied by President George W. Bush at #1 (easy swipes in Transformers and Michael Moore's oeuvre make him "as much a cinema celebrity as the next despotic tyrant,") and Angelina Jolie at #2, for whom they prescribe "adopting an American kid and making movies that people want to see."
But as so often seems to be the case with this chilly inventory of Hollywood's overstayed and unwelcome, the best entries can often be found in the slushy mess at the bottom of the pile—particularly bonus entry #51, last year awarded to Colin Farrell, and this year bestowed upon Lindsay Lohan, asking, "How dead does your career have to be when even (Lack of) Power Lists don't want you?" (To which a pre-Cirque Lodge Lindsay might have responded, "It's better to be talked about in tacked-on bonus entries than fall somewhere in the middle—or worse, not be talked about at all," but that the current, clear-minded incarnation would dismiss with a chuckle and a wave of a flannel-covered arm before returning to the firewood-chopping task at hand.