and other video sites recruiting Hollywood strikers

Those poor, poor Hollywood writers stuck with average paychecks of around $200,000. As the strike drags on, with studios and writers unable to come to terms on royalties for Internet video, some are starting too look for work while they strike. Fortunately for them, sleazy, non-unionized websites are ready to take them on., for example, is running an ad on its site calling for striking writers to "strike gold on Break."
Sure, videos like "Drunk Redneck Lawnmower Ride" and "Dad Busts Daughter Dancing For Webcam" might be step down for TV writers such as Ed Bernero, chief writer for "Criminal Minds," but people need to eat.
"If we can't reach a deal [with the studios], I'll just call Google or Yahoo or one of those companies and make a deal myself," Bernero told the Wall Street Journal. Who's he think he is, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane? And has he tried negotiating AdSense rates with Google?