'Sexiest Man Living' List Recognizes New Zealand's Hottest Comedy Troubadours

If this year's "Sexiest Man Alive" issue of People left you wanting—sure, few of us would argue with their choice of sexiestest man Matt Damon, but the Shemar Moore-caliber also-rans were frequently lacking—we direct you instead to Salon.com's Sexiest Man Living 2007. Bringing together 26 of the hunkiest guys for the thinking woman and Gay, their list recognizes the pasty, the paunchy, the bespectacled (Ira Glass, Judd Apatow, 2007 Alec Baldwin, etc.) celebrities that send their editors into a sexy-man lather.
And no shortlister seemed to us more worthy of recognition than the infinitely boneable guys from Flight of the Conchords:
A guy with a guitar is hot. A guy with an accent is hot. And a guy who can make us laugh is really, really hot. What, then, could be better than a man who embodies all of the above? Two men who do. [...]
Separately, they're adorable, but together, they enter a pantheon of witty troubadours that includes Jonathan Richman, They Might Be Giants and Jonathan Coulton — men who are a little bit Bruce, a little bit Groucho, and more than a little appealing. And though we may love Bret for his reedy shyness and Jemaine for his inexplicable overconfidence, what we love best about them is how appealing they are together.
Now that their sexy secret is out, we imagine Mel will find herself facing a far greater pool of eager candidates vying to become the cheese in a Jemaine/Bret sandwich. Don't be surprised if it inspires the band's number-one fan to issue her own, anti-anti-sexy man list response, with the release of a special "Sexiest Fourth Most Popular Guitar-Based Digi-Bongo Acapella-Rap-Funk-Comedy Folk Duo From New Zealand Alive" issue of her bi-monthly Conchords fanzine.