Sumner Redstone, Nick Counter Feel The Sharpie-Induced Sting Of Gay Gate Picketers

Carrying on the new, but still proud, tradition of provocative signage that's been established during this nearly two-week old WGA strike, picketers at today's Gay Gate march took Sharpie to posterboard and hit the sidewalks outside of Raleigh Studios. We'll leave it to you to judge how this batch compares to previous efforts from the line, but we will say this: we're glad that the artist behind Katherine Heigl's now-infamous placard wasn't on hand to lend his talents to the cause, for a cartoon depiction of Sumner Redstone engaged in any kind of intimate act would likely haunt us until the possibly distant day writers return to work.
After the jump, embattled AMPTP spokesbogeyman Nick Counter gets yet another chance at being slogan-fodder: