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· Brad Pitt, finding himself unable to love the current script for State of Play, ditches the about-to-shoot project, leaving the production up Shit Creek without its A-list paddle. Said Universal in a statement. "Brad Pitt has left the Universal Pictures production of `State of Play.' We remain committed to this project and to the filmmakers, cast members, crew and others who are also involved in making the movie. We reserve all rights in this matter." And by "reserve all rights," the studio means "the right to sue that pretty boy back to his Growing Pains cameo days if we can't find someone to take his place before we lose the rest of the cast to scheduling issues." [Variety]
· NBC will be running "vintage" episodes (read: very old repeats with high-profile guests) of the Tonight Show next week. Relive your favorite, fifteen-year-old talk show moments with stars like Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts! [THR]

· Little-watched network abomination The CW hopes that the lack of things to watch on its bigger broadcast rivals during the writers strike might lead channel surfers to check out reruns of their scripted series viewers ignored the first time they aired. [Variety]
· A strong opening week for Shrek the Third's DVD pushes far superior animated effort Ratatouille into second place. [THR]