Google funds one in five typo domains

When you fat-finger a website address, so-called "typosquatters" are set to profit. They register domains like that are just one mistyped letter away from the real one, and make money from ads served on those pages. What's worse, Google is helping them. Nearly one in five typo domains use Google's AdSense to monetize the traffic. Yahoo comes in at a distant second, underwriting 4.4 percent of all suspected typosquatter sites. The numbers come from a McAfee report, which also details who all this spammy advertising actually hurts.
Google, domain speculators, typosquatters and domain-name registrars all benefit from the practice of selling advertising on domains like The losers, according to McAfee, are consumers who waste time, large companies which have to pay legal bills to sue typosquatters, and small companies which can't even afford to take legal action to protect their online brands.
Don't be evil? How about "don't be really annoying"?