Court talk sheds light on Facebook founder fight

We love legal proceedings. Statements are on the record, accessible to the public, and presumably truthful, since it's a crime to lie to the court. As supporting evidence for their sordid story of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's college days, Harvard-alum mag 02138 posted a series of court documents, including the transcript of Zuckerberg's deposition in one of the ConnectU lawsuits, and boy, is it a gem. The first tidbit: Mark Zuckerberg consides Eduardo Saverin a Facebook cofounder, along with Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. Or considered him one, during the April 2006 deposition. More recently, when we asked Facebook who its founders were in July, Eduardo was missing from the official list. No wonder: As 02138 revealed, Saverin, too, is suing Zuckerberg.