Gay Strikers Get A Second Chance At Love At NBC Rally

So successful (read: chock full of cute, single writers) was the inaugural Gay Gate march outside Raleigh Studios that the organizers have already called for a sequel. Gay Gate 2: Return to Oz is slated for tomorrow at 10 a.m. outside NBC. Why NBC? A gay striker explains in a rallying e-mail:
I asked myself that same question. I came up with these reasons:
1) The gays can help save THE BIONIC WOMAN. You just need more fembots.
2) HEROES is quickly becoming the gayest show on television. It's a show with a bunch of men who run around shirtless for no reason. It's like West Hollywood on Saturday night.
3) CHUCK. I've got nothing on this. His name sounds like—
4) JOURNEYMAN. It's set in San Francisco about a man who tells his wife he is a "time traveler" and constantly disappears. We all know what "time traveler" is code for.
5) LIFE. Not exactly gay, but it's about a man who spends his entire life seeking revenge on men who wronged him. Anyone who knows me, knows I have the same map on my bedroom wall at home.
6) ELLEN DEGENERES. We know longer claim her.
7) THE BIGGEST LOSER. Bob Harper is soon to be my new boyfriend.
8) LAW & ORDER: SVU: Mariska Hargitay's hair.
9) DEAL OR NO DEAL. It's a show with 26 drag queens and suitcases.
10) LAS VEGAS. Two words: Josh Duhamel.
With the exception of DeGeneres—for whom it will surely come as a blow to learn that her refusal to stand in solidarity with her fellow LGBTWGA members has resulted in an official Gay Shunning—the rest of the very queer-friendly NBC schedule should set the stage for another good turnout. Still, we think Gay Gaters are ignoring the most obvious reason to bring their rainbow residuals rally to the network's headquarters: the not-unlikely chance that a smiling Ben Silverman will eventually emerge from an elevator carrying two pitchers of freshly blended margaritas, with hunky new American Gladiators stars Powerbottom, Fierce and Cruiser on hand to serve them up for the desperately-in-need-of-a-cocktail crowd.