Gawker's Tivo failed to record "Gossip Girl" last night. Too bad, because it was a really good episode! We got to see what Blair's hairstyle looked like last Thanksgiving, and we also got to learn that she has an eating disorder that her mom enables by suggesting that she eat an entire pie. Also, we spent more time with the Humphreys, Dan's parents, and we realized that they look like characters from "Full House," which explains this clip. Sort of. There were some other highlights, too!

Like how, in yet another instance of "the plot of this show can only be advanced by minorities," Blair found out the truth about why her gay dad wasn't coming home for Thanksgiving from her Eastern European mammy. That's totally the clip we would have pulled.

Or maybe we would have pulled a clip from the end, when Serena's mom is saying. "Talk about dirty! Try spending 7 hours on the Ohio turnpike with Jane's Addiction."

There was also a hideously annoying part where the Humphreys go outside to play touch football and why are they even pretending they're in Williamsburg, that is so obviously Dumbo.