'Project Runway' Gets Even Uglier

Last night on Bravo's "Project Runway," that good-looking guy who is ripped announced he is HIV positive; that petite gay guy with the distressed hair and the attitude said he thought Asians were fierce (which they are but that is still dumb to say) and the second cutest girl got eliminated. (The first-cutest girl was kicked off in the first episode.) It is a bummer now to have lost Carmen an ex-model.
The challenge was to create an outfit for a dude. The dude was Tiki Barber, who does something having to do with football but more importantly is a "correspondent" on the Today Show, which explains why every other phrase was "Today Show." Like, Tim Gunn: Make it work...on the Today Show. Asians are fierce... on the Today Show. All the contestants failed miserably; that annoying Latino guy who always cries, cried.
I mean, I guess my main truck isn't with the judges: Michael Kors (though I walked by his new store where Jerry's used to be in Soho and felt the urge to spit/pee on the windows) or Heidi Klum or Tiki or even Nina "Dragonball Z" Garcia. It's with Carmen herself. Why do the pretty girls make grave errors in judgment? Carmen didn't even make a shirt.
So what do we have left? Who the fuck knows? Sweet P can't last much longer. Ditto that gay guy with the Jewy name who looks like Sylar from Heroes. Watching that crazy girl with the grass stains and the yoga is like watching a car full of clowns crashing into a castle made of Jello which would be funny except one of the lead clowns actually ended up being allergic to gelatin and so began to suffocate which would be funny for a while and then just sad. Which in a nutshell is my assessment of this season's ProRu. Wake me up when the fat gay guy and the skinny gay fight and/or make love. That I want to watch.