A portrait of the egotist as a young man

Perhaps inspired by our tale of the lonely wantrepreneur looking to pay someone, anyone to set him up on a date, a tipster forwarded a New York Observer article from way back in 2000. It's called "They're Single, Ambitious, Worth Millions, But Can New York Women Download Their Megabyte Egos?" It's primary subject? Jason McCabe Calacanis. See? There was a reason to get out of bed today.
"I can't tell you how many propositions I get, it's absolutely insane," the now-married Calacanis told the Observer in 2000. "My life is surreal. I'm not used to women liking me," he said. But the 29-year old saw through these women. "It's depressing to think they like me for my Rolodex, or for what I can do for their dotcom." So instead, Calacanis put love aside and focused on a goal even we'll admit he's achieved.
"There's no reason why I can't be the next Michael Eisner," Calacanis told the paper. "Somebody has to be." Well, when you wish upon a star, Jason, it makes no difference who you are. And we feel very comfortable saying you are exactly the same kind of Web 2.0 guru as Michael Eisner.