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Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg kept an online journal during college. Part of it has become publicly available thanks to 02138's recent reporting on the ConnectU case. In this portion of the diary we witness the moment of Zuckerberg's inspiration for Facebook, the social network with 57 million active users and a bubbly valuation of $15 billion. This is, most likely, the kind of thing Facebook wanted to quash with its ill-thought-out lawsuit:

[Redacted] is a bitch. I need to think of something to make to take my mind off her.
I need to think of something to occupy my mind. Easy enough now I just need an idea.

The idea, of course, was hacking into school servers to pull private photos onto a website — a project which eventually turned into Facebook. We're sure the freshly matured Zuckerberg doesn't talk, write or think about people like this anymore. No way. All he thinks about are his users and their privacy.

But here's what we want to know, Harvard graduates of the Valley and beyond. Who was she? And what did she do to Zuckerberg? Tell us the tale.