Your plans tonight: Talk money, social graphs, or Belgian beers. Or, crash a press-only bash at the Googleplex. All in tonight's Valleywag Calendar.

  • Fired MySpace exec Shawn Gold moderates a discussion about the Impact of the Social Graph on Search and Discovery, with execs from Mahalo, Eurekster, and some other noname startup. It's in Building 43 on the Googleplex tonight at 6 p.m. [Webguild]
  • If you're going to be at the Googleplex anyway, try to crash its Holiday Press soirée, the event from which they disinvited my boss. It's at Slice Cafe at 6 p.m.
  • So how did that Stanford class on Facebook applications do? There's a meeting tonight on the Stanford campus to go over the outcome. Our guess: lots of poking. [Eventbrite]
  • Spontaneous Drinking Night heads to LaTrappe on Greenwich St. [Facebook]
  • Charles River Ventures partner Susan Wu moderates a "SNAP Chat — Finding the Funds" panel on VC Funding tonight at CNET's offices on 2nd St. Hint: Somewhere in the bank. Starts at 7 p.m. [Eventbrite]

Got a to do that's a must to do? Send it in to