Chris Sacca's failed career at Google

A correction on that earlier Chris Sacca item: We're told by a Google insider that Sacca, the blustery big thinker who claims to have led Google's multibillion-dollar blind stampede into wireless spectrum and forced the entire industry to open up, never even made it to the director level at Google. His true title, "head of special initiatives," was a sop to make up for the fact that he never even made it into the lowest ranks of executive management.
That Google planned to hire a "director of other" who would engage in similar pointless visioneering while outranking Sacca was almost certainly his formal cue to leave. (We don't know if Sacca was smart enough to take it, or if his departure was cluelessly coincidental.) And to think, this middle manager is now going to advise entrepreneurs on how to run their business. More proof that Silicon Valley is a luckocracy.