Feuding Ex 'Grey's Anatomy' Co-Stars Peacefully March For WGA Divesity Day

Yesterday's "Diversity Day" theme-picket event at Paramount was, by nearly any measure, a huge success. Not only did hundreds of protesters of all colors and creeds turn out in stirring show of solidarity for the white guys who eventually will go back to getting all the writing jobs once the strike is settled, but the undeniable feelings of togetherness that suffused the march may have helped heal some old wounds inflicted by intolerance.
Most notably, once-warring former Grey's Anatomy co-stars Isaiah Washington and T.R. Knight, inspired by the day's message of unity, mutually resisted the impulse to march around one another carrying off-topic signs reading, "Don't Hire the Slur-Flinging Homophobe!" and "Ask Me About How A Gay Conspiracy Cost Me My Job On A Hit Show," respectively.
[Photo: Getty Images]