Google replacing ski mountain with Space Mountain?

We hear that Google has discontinued its traditional midwinter Googler ski vacation. No more mandatory trips to Squaw Valley and all-night parties with '80s cover bands. Instead? Look forward to a company trip to the Happiest Place on Earth. (No, not Tijuana.)
They're going to Disneyland! We hear that the Googleplex is temporarily annexing Walt's California proto-amusement park for two days in early February. The color schemes already match. There will be nobody but Googlers allowed on the Matterhorn from 10 a.m. until 1 a.m. So, why, after years of tradition, has Google canceled its ski trip? We hear it's because the ever-expanding search engine has too many employees to squeeze into Tahoe.
And why the amusement park? Well, it's certainly spacious. But it can't have hurt that Google CEO Eric Schmidt sits on the board of Apple, and that Apple god-who-walks-on-Earth Steve Jobs is Disney's largest shareholder. Bringing employees to the rollercoasters is just one more way of keeping them in a state of childlike dependence on the company.
Googlers who can't stand the thought of twirling in the teacups have a choice — they can go camping. Near Tahoe. In February. Sure, that's going to be fun.