Paparazzi Helping Lindsay Lohan Feed Herself In Between Acting Gigs

The newly sober (keep hitting "refresh" for updates) former actress Lindsay Lohan is in collusion with the paps, alleges the NY Daily News' Gatecrasher column. Pics of the starlet (should that word be amended to simply "let"?) en route to a recording studio are being flogged to the tabs for 30 Gs. The problem? The one other than Lindsay Lohan being back in a recording studio? It's a set-up:
"They were offered through a photo agency, but they're clearly staged — she's in full hair and makeup," says a snitch.
The assumption made by several photo editors was that the pics represented a new source of income for Lohan, as film offers have dried up owing to her addiction problems.
Nice new job. Linz's bona fide insider status coupled with her voracious appetite for cash should make for a tabloid tipster nonpareil. Just image the dirt she can dish on this week's latest celebrity relapse ("'s me"), who Chace Crawford is cheating on Carrie Underwood with ("Me")
and which unemployed, red-headed actress is so desperate for cash she's selling her used socks on eBay ("Rebecca Gayheart").