Hellish Hentish: Baghdad Bagged Dog Bad Dog?

Yesterday we met and quickly said goodbye to Hentish, the New York Times Baghdad Bureau's top dog. He was shot in cold blood by Blackwater mercenaries, and the State Department is investigating. Even the Times-hating Post is outraged! BUT! Was Hentish a bad dog? Former CNN exec Eason Jordan says yes!

Jordan was viciously mauled by "Scratch," another Times canine, in March of this year. (We believe the dog is actually named Scratchy, as another Times dog overseas is named Itchy.) His injury is pictured above. The "three deep gashes" in his hand sent "blood spewing in all directions" and Jordan spent hours in a combat hospital's trauma center. Jordan initially thought the incident a single, unhappy accident. Until he learned just how bad these hack attack dogs were!
Last month, a New York Times correspondent told me one of the bureau dogs bit an Iraqi in the crotch and attacked photojournalist Mike Kambers in the chest (if a dog bit me in the crotch, I might be inclined to euthanize it on the spot).
The Times correspondent insisted to Jordan last month that their compound "had finally been cleared of all dogs." But Hentish was shot—while allegedly attacking another dog—just last week.
Why is the Times harboring vicious hellhounds in a warzone? Is anyone safe? Are the dogs biting journalists over there so they don't have to bite them over here? We demand answers!
Exposed: The New York Times' Baghdad Attack Dogs [HuffPo]
Earlier: 'Times' Iraq Horror: 'Blackwater Shot Our Dog'