The fatal misstep that got Perez Hilton banned

More details on Perez Hilton's YouTube woes: Apparently it was his posting of this video of Liza Minelli collapsing on stage that caused his account to be banned. Normally YouTube removes a video when it receives a DMCA message and that's the end of it. This time though, says our tipster, Idolator editor Maura Johnston, it "was a 'repeat offender' thing". No surprise there. Hilton has built his entire site on images of questionable legality. Our timeline after the jump.
- Perez posts the Liza Minelli video on his normal YouTube account.
- YouTube removes the video after a copyright holder complains. YouTube suspends his account.
- Perez posts a different video under a new account protesting YouTube's deletion of Liza and his account:
I'm going to try not to get angry, or upset or raise my voice because thankfully I've already done enough of that without the camera rolling. My YouTube account was suspended. I've emailed YouTube, but I've yet to hear from any person there. I've just got an automated email from them.
Apparently, the Liza Minnelli video that I posted on Monday was in violation of someone's copyright which is really confusing to me because the person who took the Liza Minnelli is a reader of my website gave me permission to use the clip and I still have mutliple emails from that person sending me the video and giving me permission to use it.
The only thing I can think of is someone at Liza Minnelli's record company was upset that this video showing her being drunk or on drugs allegedly is out there and they wanted to get it removed from YouTube. Well, as a result my account was suspended.
- His protest video gets removed along with his second YouTube account.
- Hilton writes bitchy post complaining about YouTube and censorship.
Still no word from Perez or YouTube. OMG DRAMA!
This is not the video that got Perez banned, but it is footage from the same event, found on YouTube.