· As we gaze at the Bassett Hound literally taking a dump in the middle of the three-way intersection outside the window of Defamer HQ-2 (a Christmas miracle!), we think fondly of Defamer videographer Molly, who is away today. We therefore had no choice but to plunder from the tidily wrapped video gifts beneath the tree of our more affluent cousins over at Jezebel. Look, everyone! It's Charo singing "Feliz Nablahblah" on the Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special!
· 'Tis the season to be breathalyzered: In what is unlikely to be the last celeb DUI of the year, Boy Meets World's Topanga was picked up for drunk driving.

· Still wracking your brains trying to come up for the perfect, last-minute present for the loved one who has everything? How about driving them insane with personalized postcards from an unsigned maniac in a tiny Polish village?
· Is it Christmas?
· What's Jesus's birthday without occasional Defamer guest-contributer Nick Malis's musical ode to the loneliest holiday?
· We plan on spending our Christmas working on our Guitar Hero 3 game, though we have a ways to go until we even approach the insane skill-levels of Conrad the Great. Meanwhile, those of you who don't find Xmas 2008's Most Wanted under your tree this year can still get in on the fun with Handbell Hero.
· Well, that's it, everyone. True, we're Jewish, but in the spirit of inclusionism, we're out of here until Wednesday. All the best to you and yours. Chag Samayach!