And so it begins. When Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation completed its acquisition of the Wall Street Journal, the Australian-born mogul brought in a fellow countryman as the business newspaper's publisher. Don't think for a minute that this is an Australian takeover, like the one the 76-year-old mogul implemented at the New York Post, his other US newspaper title; Murdoch's henchmen can't stop telling people how much they like and respect Marcus Brauchli, the Wall Street Journal's native managing editor. And, according to the News Corporation talking points, the Journal veteran and Murdoch's favorite go way back. Brauchli and Thomson were both foreign correspondents in Asia, earlier in their careers. Slightly awkward then that Brauchli had a welcome speech prepared when Murdoch came before the holidays to greet his new subjects in the Journal's newsroom. And the managing editor had to put his notes back in his pocket, we're told, because the new bosses forgot to call on him. (Any tidbits about the Journal under the new regime, send to