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Seemingly suffering from the same cash-flow problems that would afflict any recovering addict who spends the time he or she should be earning a paycheck pinballing between rehab stints, thrice-dried-out struggling actress Lindsay Lohan is apparently doing whatever it takes to make ends meet during some lean times that show no signs of imminent improvement. Having recently been accused of trying to cut herself in on potentially lucrative photo opportunities that usually enrich only paparazzi agencies and the tabloids, according to Gatecrasher, Lohan may now be reaching out to friends—both of the personal and corporate varieties—for her mad money:

A pal of the cash-strapped actress tells us she has been openly asking friends for spending money.

A separate source tell us Ariva - the quit-smoking tobacco lozenge she has been unofficially promoting - paid her a sum in the mid-five figures this week.

Officially, Ariva reps have denied it is paying Lohan - possibly because of all the recent paparazzi pics of her smoking.

Even if Lohan's primary sources of income are indeed derived from exploiting the generosity of her pals and tapping the alternative advertising budgets of lozenge-based anti-smoking concerns, at least she hasn't quite yet hit rock bottom. We'll know she's truly in trouble when she starts to turn up at the Chateau Marmont, the high-end flophouse where she formerly killed time between stays at pricey, bank-account-draining rehabilitation centers, passing a hat she purloined from a W photo shoot to strangers in hopes they'll help finance a lifestyle-sustaining shopping spree. Then again, things may never descend to that level, as the recent comprehensive coverage of her hook-up binge in Capri could indicate she's once again reached out to the paparazzi, finding a new way to monetize the only still-vital part her personal brand.