Sean Penn Recognized By Fellow Bush-Hating Chain-Smokers With Appointment To Head Up Cannes Jury

In a prestigious delegation sure to keep his newly single nose out of trouble as he recovers from his failed marriage, Sean Penn has been dispatched to the topless-French-whore-filled beaches of Cannes to head up the awards jury of that French resort city's annual film festival:
Penn said in a statement "that a new generation of filmmaking may have begun," citing "increasingly thoughtful, provocative, moving, and imaginative films by talented filmmakers" in what appeared to be "a rejuvenation of cinema building worldwide."
"The Cannes Film Festival has long been the epicenter in the discovery of those new waves of filmmakers from all over the world. I very much look forward to participating in this year's festival as president of the jury," Penn said.
Unlike Penn's appearance at another French-speaking nation's (sort of) internationally renowned évènement du cinéma, France's lax indoor smoking laws will mercifully prevent any further political uproars should the Into The Wild director choose to huff through a pack of Gauloises during a particularly heated Palme d'Or-bestowing session, his dependency on Freedom Cancer Sticks a nasty habit he attributes to stress since the Bush Administration took office.