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Lazy, scummy, and smart. That's just the way we like them. YouTube-wannabe Veoh has jumped into Hulu's hoop by adding streaming video from all the Fox and NBC properties we know and love. Only, unlike Hulu, a joint venture between NBC and News Corp., or any of its distribution partners, Veoh hasn't actually worked out any licensing deals. Rather, it's following the smarter tactic pioneered by OpenHulu of embedding Hulu videos into its own site.

Sure, some may label it as stealing candy from helpless billion-dollar corporations, but Veoh's evil genius outweighs its spendthrift sloth. By using Hulu's embed code, Veoh avoids pesky licensing fees, bandwidth costs, and negotiations. Instead, it gets to create a programming destination for a TV-starved audience. And NBC and News Corp. may well get the last laugh. While Veoh sells bottom-of-the-barrel banner ads around the embedded video, Hulu sells pricey preroll ads right in the video itself.